BOOM Remake now available as Linux AppImage

1 minute read

A new version of BOOM: Remake is out: 1.8.0! This new version brings two main changes:

Linux release is now an AppImage

Good news for all Linux players: BOOM: Remake will now get a proper Linux release as an AppImage, rather than the mostly-broken manually-packaged version that was distributed up until now. The AppImage should be able to run on almost all Linux distributions with little to no effort. You can read more about it on the website linked above, but in a nutshell, you just chmod +x the file and run it. As an extra bonus, a version for aarch64 is now also available, in addition to x86_64. You can find both in the downloads page.

Huge thanks to @orazioedoardo for making this happen: he literally did all the work for it!

Save data location change on Linux

Starting with this release, the Linux version of the game will use different locations for the following files:

  • Levels Files: will move from the game’s root folder to assets/;
  • Save Files and High Scores: will move from saves/ to XDG_DATA_HOME/lifish, falling back to ~/.local/share/lifish;
  • Preferences File: will move from the game’s root folder to XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lifish, falling back to ~/.config/lifish.

Keep this in mind if you wanna use your previous saves, levels or preferences after upgrading the game’s version!

As always, happy bombing!