Rust game programming: data hotloading

7 minute read

I’ve been fiddling around with Rust for some months now, with the intent of learning more about both Rust itself and game/engine programming. The result is a tiny – but slowly growing – project for an unnamed game / engine I’m working on during my spare time.

My current goals with this project are to use it as a testing ground for various ideas, taking all the time I want, but with the idea of eventually having something playable.

One of the first experiments I wanted to try, that my previous project completely lacked, is hot-reloading of data and code. In a nutshell, this means to enable changing game data and logic while the game runs and have the game use that new data or logic without the need to restart.

Data hotloading

The first step I took was implementing data hot-reloading, because it looked quite straightforward to do. Here are the steps I took for that:

  1. define a simple format for defining “configuration data”, i.e. hot-reloadable variables;
  2. define a data structure in the code to interface with the configuration data;
  3. parse all configuration files during startup;
  4. spawn a thread to watch for changes in the configuration files, and re-parse any of those files upon change.

Let’s go over all the steps in more detail.

File format

In my previous game, I used Json for all data files, both for configuration and serialization. For this project I wanted something more convenient.

Json is pretty human-readable and writable, but a) it’s both too complicated for my purpose, b) it typically requires an external library to parse and c) it’s not the most configuration-friendly format out there.

So i just went with my own file format, which is a very simple ini-like one:

# this is a comment
this_is_a_key 42 # the '42' is the value

Cannot get much simpler than that. Headers are there just to categorize the different configuration variables and to keep them in a tidy orderly fashion.

Currently I only support five types for keys: bool, int, uint, float and string, and I don’t plan to add more for now. Because the format is so simple, writing a parser for it is trivial, and the format can always be changed later in case of need.

Code interface

On the code side, I defined a data structure Cfg_Var<T> designed to hold a configuration value (T can only be of type bool, i32, u32, f32 or String). I had two requirements in mind when designing this struct and its interface:

  1. it should be almost as easy to use as it’d be to just use the plain value it holds;
  2. it should in fact become just its contained value when building the game in release mode.

Because of these requirements, the Cfg_Var definition is different in debug and release mode:

  • in debug mode, the struct is basically a “pointer” into a “configuration variables table”, which holds all the current config values;
  • in release mode, the struct is a simple wrapper to its value.

The “configuration variables table” mentioned above is just a hash table that maps key names to their values and, in debug mode only, it can be updated at runtime whenever a config file is edited.

The way you read values out of Cfg_Var is the same in both debug and release mode, and is done by calling a read method on it, with the following signature:

impl<T> Cfg_Var<T> {
    pub fn read(&self, cfg: &Config) -> T { /* ... */ }

The Config struct is where the configuration table is stored. Although inconvenient, it must be passed to read every time you want to read a Cfg_Var; this is the solution I came up with to avoid defining it as a global variable, which would be very bad as soon as we’d try to implement code hotloading (more on that in a future post :-). Being quite new to Rust, I’m not sure this is the best solution one could find to this problem, but it’s good enough for me at this time, so I decided to go with it.

Let’s now look more closely to the Cfg_Var definitions:

// This is used in debug mode
pub struct Cfg_Var<T> {
    id: String_Id,
    _marker: PhantomData<T>, // ignore this, it's just needed as a compiler hint

// This is used in release mode
pub struct Cfg_Var<T>(T); // this denotes a tuple with a single element of type T

In debug mode, the Cfg_Var contains a String_Id (i.e. an integer resulting from hashing a string), which is used in the read method to lookup the current config value in the table; in release mode, the config table isn’t read at all: the method just returns self.0 – the wrapped value.

An example usage of this is the following:

// Create the Config struct (once in the entire app)
let mut cfg = Config::new_from_dir(CFG_DIR);

// Create the config variable (once in the entire app)
let sleep_time_ms = Cfg_Var::new::<f32>("/engine/sleep_time_ms", &mut cfg);

loop {
    std::thread::sleep(; // use the value (updated live in debug mode)

The nice thing of this setup is that, in release mode, there is no overhead in calling read – at least for types that are trivially copyable – and in debug mode we get the convenience of values updated live without restarting the game.

Implementing variadic types for Cfg_Var

As mentioned above, the configuration variable table is a hash map which maps the config variables’ names with their value. While the table’s key type is String_Id, you may be wondering what is the value type. After all, a config variable can contain a bool, an integer, a float or a string.

In C++ one would probably use a union to contain that value. In Rust, a more convenient (and type-safe) solution is to use an enum. Rust enums can contain data, so our variadic config value can be expressed like this:

pub enum Cfg_Value {

We can store this type in the hash map and query it when we read it, ensuring the type we’re looking for matches the one stored in the table:

// Conceptually, like this:
impl Cfg_Var<bool> {
    pub fn read(self, cfg: &Config) -> bool {
        let key =; // The String_Id with the config variable name
        // Ensure the hashmap contains our key
        let value = cfg.table.get(&key).expect("Value not found in the table!");
        // Ensure the type is the one we expect
        match value {
            Bool(val) => val,
            // (probably this failure should be handled more gracefully)
            _ => panic!("Unexpected value {:?}!", value)

// ... Implement the other specializations of Cfg_Var ...

Watching file changes

The last missing step is to do the actual hot reloading. I used the crate notify, which allows me to easily watch a specific directory and receive events every time a file is modified inside it.

On startup, in debug mode only, the engine spins up a thread running an infinite loop waiting for notify events:

pub fn start_file_watch(
    path: PathBuf,
    event_handlers: Vec<Box<dyn File_Watcher_Event_Handler>>,
) -> io::Result<JoinHandle<()>> {
        .name(format!("fwch_{:?}", path.as_path().file_name().unwrap()))
        .spawn(move || {
            file_watch_listen(path, event_handlers).unwrap();

Here, event_handlers is an array containing any number of pointers to File_Watcher_Event_Handlers, which is a custom trait simply defined as:

// (Note: `Send` because we want to send it to different threads)
pub trait File_Watcher_Event_Handler: Send {
    fn handle(&mut self, evt: &DebouncedEvent);

This way I can handle any notify event multiple times in any way I want. The file_watch_listen routine is really nothing fancy:

fn file_watch_listen(/* ... */) {
    // Build a channel through which `notify` will send us events
    let (tx, rx) = channel();
    // Start watching
    let mut watcher = notify::watcher(tx, watch_interval).unwrap();, RecursiveMode::Recursive)?;

    loop {
        notify_handlers(&mut event_handlers, rx.recv()?);

// This just iterates over all event_handlers and sends them the event.
fn notify_handlers(
    event_handlers: &mut [Box<dyn File_Watcher_Event_Handler>],
    event: DebouncedEvent,
) {
    for handler in event_handlers.iter_mut() {

The very last step is to implement a File_Watcher_Event_Handler which reloads the config data when needed:

pub struct Config_Watch_Handler { 
    // Note: we create this struct so that sending data through 
    // this channel tells our `Config` struct to 
    // update an entry in its table.
    config_change: Sender<Cfg_Entry> 
impl file_watcher::File_Watcher_Event_Handler for Config_Watch_Handler {
    fn handle(&mut self, event: &DebouncedEvent) {
        match event {
            DebouncedEvent::Write(ref pathbuf) | DebouncedEvent::Create(ref pathbuf)
                if !utils::is_hidden(pathbuf) =>
                // ... Parse `pathbuf` into an array of Cfg_Entry ...

                // Send the updated entries to Config
                for entry in entries.into_iter() {
            _ => (),

If you’ve read this far, thank you!

This is the longest post I’ve written in a while and I hope I managed to keep it intelligible enough. Keeping a balance between the amount of code and explanations is not my forte and I hope future posts will do a better job at it. If you want clarifications and/or have comments about anything I wrote, please don’t hesitate to write a comment below this post.

Until next time! :-)